beaTunes News

Monday, August 23, 2021

How can I find the BPM for DRM-encrypted Apple Music songs?

With its streaming service Apple Music unfortunately re-introduced Digital Rights Management (DRM), which makes it very hard for third party apps to decrypt and analyze downloaded music files. But did you know there is a way around decrypting and decoding?

While beaTunes cannot access the raw audio for a thorough content analysis, it can access the track's metadata, i.e. its artist, album, title, and length. This is often enough information to look up BPM values in beaTunes' central database, which have been uploaded by other beaTunes users.

beaTunes Analysis Options dialog

So to download BPM values for your Apple Music tracks, just follow these simple steps:

  • In beaTunes, select the tracks you want BPM values for.
  • Open the File menu and choose Analyze.
  • In the Analysis Options dialog, enable only the Estimate BPM option.
  • Ensure that Use online resources is turned on.
  • Then start downloading BPM values by clicking on Analyze.

Note that since this operation depends on what other users have uploaded and whether the metadata matching is successful, your mileage may vary: some tracks may not be in the database yet, others may have inaccurate BPM values. That said, it certainly beats having no BPM values at all.

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