beaTunes News

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Analysis ETA

One of the declared goals for beaTunes 1.1 is to improve the overall user experience.
So far, beaTunes has not given an estimated time for processing all tasks in the analysis queue. Nevertheless, many people mistook the time shown in the status label (at the very bottom of the main screen, circled in the image to the right) of the analysis queue to be the estimated processing time. In fact, in beaTunes 1.0, that's the time it would take to play all songs that are in the queue.
But we agree: It would make a whole lot more sense, if beaTunes displayed the estimated processing time there.
So from beaTunes 1.1 on, that's what it'll do.

Another improvement for beaTunes 1.1 will be the number of items left in the queue, displayed just behind the label 'Analysis Queue' in the source panel on the left of the main window (also circled in the image above). This will make it easier for you to see, how much work is still in the queue - regardless of whether you are currently looking at the queue or some playlist.



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