beaTunes News

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

EA3 for beaTunes 2.1

beaTunes2 logoEA3 for beaTunes 2.1 is out. It does not contain many changes - please see the NOTES.txt if you're interested.

Just like EA2, EA3 offers to use some online resources, but will (most likely) fail with an OnlineDBException.

Alright, here's the obligatory warning: Before downloading and installing this, please make sure you understand what Early Access means:

  • Absolutely no warranty for whatever
  • Features may or may not work, appear, and disappear
  • It may not be possible to migrate data to future or previous versions (even though we make a reasonable effort)
  • This version will cease to function 2 weeks after its release
  • You cannot buy this version

And here are the download links:


This EA version changes beaTunes' internal database layout quite a bit, which takes a while. Do not interrupt this process, even when it takes very long! On OS X, beaTunes 2.0 will not be able to use the database anymore, after you ran beaTunes 2.1. If you intend to try 2.1 and then go back to 2.0, make sure you back up the database before you try 2.1 (it's in ~/Library/Application Support/beaTunes/Database)! You also might want to check out this article about exporting beaTunes data.

Please provide feedback!


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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Importing top three tags from

beaTunes2 logoInspired by a user request, I approached the good people at to figure out how to import tags from their database. The work is not done, but here's a first shot at it. This plugin queries the database and inserts the top three tags as comments into your songs and also into the beaTunes tag database. It's implemented as a SongAnalysisTask, meaning, it will show up as an analysis option when you analyze songs with beaTunes (it will be at the very bottom, so you probably have to scroll down to it). Make sure to try this on few songs before tagging your whole library!

Please see this posting to find out how to install the plugin.

Also, please note that the code is licensed under LGPL - so you are free to use it pretty much any way you want, modify it, make it better etc. The only thing that's missing from the source is the API key - you would have to get your own. If you have any questions about the code, please contact me!

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wanna help?

beaTunes2 logoI'm looking to hire preferably a CS student from RTP to help me out with some development (especially plugin stuff) and email support. Interested? Then check out the listing.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

EA2 for beaTunes 2.1

beaTunes2 logoSo this is #2. The second Early Access (EA) release for 2.1. As I have written before, this is not supposed to reinvent the whole app. But still, beaTunes 2.1 introduces some bigger changes under the hood (see here).

This release fixes some issues EA1 had on XP, improves duplicate inspection further (fewer false positives), offers more options when importing MusicIP data and adds an enabled/disabled column.

Just like EA1, EA2 offers to use some online resources, but will (most likely) fail with an OnlineDBException.

Alright, here's the obligatory warning: Before downloading and installing this, please make sure you understand what Early Access means:

  • Absolutely no warranty for whatever
  • Features may or may not work, appear, and disappear
  • It may not be possible to migrate data to future or previous versions (even though we make a reasonable effort)
  • This version will cease to function 2 weeks after its release
  • You cannot buy this version

And here are the download links:


This EA version changes beaTunes' internal database layout quite a bit, which takes a while. Do not interrupt this process, even when it takes very long! On OS X, beaTunes 2.0 will not be able to use the database anymore, after you ran beaTunes 2.1. If you intend to try 2.1 and then go back to 2.0, make sure you back up the database before you try 2.1 (it's in ~/Library/Application Support/beaTunes/Database)! You also might want to check out this article about exporting beaTunes data.

Please provide feedback!


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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Java-Anwendungen für Mac OS X

For those of you who speak German - there is an article about Java programming for OS X in the current print edition of JavaSPEKTRUM (5/2009).

Thanks to Ken Orr and his fantastic MacWidget library. Also thanks to Dirk Lemmermann for providing screenshots on very short notice.