beaTunes News

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Update: beaTunes 5.2.7

This update improves overall performance of audio analysis, i.e., any analysis task that relies on reading audio data from files. Informal tests on a system with an SSD showed a roughly 50% performance improvement for audio normalization tasks (e.g., ReplayGain), which typically require reading through the entire file. Obviously, depending on where your files are stored, your mileage will vary. That said, reading audio in general should be somewhat faster, unless your HDD or (W)LAN is the bottleneck. This is the result of some tuning in the jipes library, which beaTunes uses for audio analysis, allowing the Java JIT compiler to better optimize the code.

As always, you can download the new version from the download section of the website.

Changes in 5.2.7

  • Improved analysis performance.
  • Moved to jipes 0.9.17.
  • Moved to CASampledSP 0.9.22.

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Blogger D. said...

Thanks for keeping this software so regularly updated with small tweaks, performance upgrades or new features. Appreciated!

March 30, 2020 at 5:29:00 AM EST  
Blogger BOOTLEG said...

Been using Beatunes since 1.x. Best program for organizing and now that the new iTunes update is the worst update ever, Beatunes will now be my go to program. Thanks for all the hard work!

April 2, 2020 at 1:59:00 AM EST  
Blogger Pablo said...

hola buenos dias,hoy pude comprar la licencia de beatunes,ahora instale la versión de prueba pero no me sale como instalar la licencia alguien me podria dar una ayuda gracias

September 16, 2020 at 11:21:00 AM EST  
Blogger beaTunes said...

Please follow the instructions in the license email. If you didn't receive one, please start a discussion on Thanks!

September 16, 2020 at 3:17:00 PM EST  

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