beaTunes News

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Update: beaTunes 5.2.18

This update improves/fixes a couple of efficiency issues. As always, you can download the new version from the download section of the website.

Changes in 5.2.18

  • Improved efficiency when deleting tracks from iTunes/Music with missing files.
  • Improved efficiency when modifying iTunes/Music playlists on macOS.
  • Improved efficiency when calculating playlists stats (count, size, duration).
  • Moved to CASampledSP 0.9.23.
  • Moved to japlscript 3.1.9.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Update: beaTunes 5.2.17

This update fixes a sync regression on macOS Catalina (10.15) and later that caused full, very lengthy synchonizations. Further it contains an enhancement, as it visually follows the currently playing songs via scrolling the playlist table.

As always, you can download the new version from the download section of the website.

Changes in 5.2.17

  • Added following currently playing song visually by scrolling appropriately.
  • Fixed regression in synchronization leading to very long syncs.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Update: beaTunes 5.2.16

This update fixes a couple of issues in the UI, probably most notable the solid gray window issue, but also an issue connected to Apple's itlibrary API exposing outdated playlists.

As always, you can download the new version from the download section of the website.

Changes in 5.2.16

  • Fixed mouse interaction in playlist image.
  • Fixed Genius playlists not showing up.
  • Added workaround for itlibrary API exposing old playlists (macOS, Big Sur/Catalina).
  • Added workaround for solid-gray-window bug on Catalina or later.
  • Improved support for macOS accent/highlight colors.

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