Update: beaTunes 5.2.21
This maintenance update fixes a couple of minor issues. The most notable of which is probably beaTunes' capability to automatically find and reassociate renamed files with the correct metadata in the database, if there is a valid file id available and if the file is still in the same folder (applies only to folder-based libraries). File ids are typically available for NTFS or APFS, but not networks drives, like Samba (SMB) mounts. This re-association happens on-the-fly and does not require a fill synchronization. That said, it also happens during synchronization, but in that case is not limited to the same folder. For details regarding the other fixes, please see the list below.
As always, you can download the new version from the download section of the website.
Changes in 5.2.21
- Fixed appearance of progressbars for Windows.
- Fixed inappropriate default editor for uneditable fields.
- Fixed automatic renamed file search for folder-based libraries.
- Ignore illegal ratings during synchronization.
- Avoid render/EDT hangs when noticing bad track location data.