beaTunes 2.1.3 fixes non 44.1kHz problems
Considering that today's beaTunes release coincides with Apple's big media event, I don't expect for this to be noticed much... Anyhow, let's try!
As mentioned recently in this blog, beaTunes 2.1 had some problems on OS X with files not sampled at the standard 44.1Khz. This was due to a bug in the beaTunes code that interacts with the CoreAudio/QTKit decoders. This problem should be fixed for now. Note, that on Windows this problem was never an issue (and no, this does not mean Window is somehow better, it just means my code for Windows was somewhat better).
The changes made to fix this bug, may also lead to better support of other, more exotic audio formats, that only QuickTime supports.
The second nice thing in this release is the addition of genre and release year import in the MusicIP analysis task. So, if the genre and release year are in the MusicIP database, beaTunes should be able to import them.