beaTunes News

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Update: beaTunes 5.2.1

This update fixes a couple of issues that became apparent after the release of macOS 10.15 as well as a few general things. It's recommended for everybody using beaTunes v5.2.0.

As always, you can download the new version from the download section of the website.

Changes in 5.2.1

  • Re-added support for macOS 10.11.6 (was mistakenly disabled).
  • Fixed play/pause triggered by entering SPACE in genre field (Windows only).
  • Fixed very small application icon (Windows only).
  • Fixed analysis queue processing hang after SocketException.
  • Reduced memory footprint during iTunes/ analysis.
  • Improved startup performance for macOS 10.15.
  • Improved handling of case-sensitive metadata file tags (esp. ReplayGain).

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