beaTunes News

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Crashes on Intel Macs

beaTunes LogoUnfortunately, some of you Intel Mac users have experienced crashes of beaTunes. This is caused by a bug in Apple's implementation of the Java server VM. Here's how you switch to the client VM, which does not seem to have this bug:

  • Ctrl-click on the application icon
  • Select "Show package contents"
  • Open the Contents Folder
  • Open the file Info.plist with some text editor (e.g. TextEdit)
  • Close to the end of the file you will find a line that has "server" in it
  • Replace "server" with "client"
  • Save the file
  • Restart beaTunes

We will make the client VM the default VM in the next update release to avoid this issue altogether. In the mean time, if you are a member of the ADC, please feel free to file bug reports with Apple. The Java crash logs can be found in ~/Library/Logs/Java.

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Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Snap Art

As some of you might know, we rent our offices from Alien Skin. They just released their latest Photoshop plugin named Snap Art today.

Of course we are a little biased, since we have lunch with the Aliens pretty much every day, but check Snap Art out. We saw some first hand examples (there are also some on their website) and they look much better than the art filters that come with Photoshop. In fact, they were pretty amazing.

So if you're using Photoshop, you should definitely take Snap Art for a spin.

beaTunes 1.1 is released

beaTunes LogoWe are proud to announce version 1.1 of beaTunes - the iTunes add-on for Mac & Windows, popular especially amongst DJs, athletes and audiophiles.

beaTunes analyzes the color and tempo (BPM) of your songs, intelligently creates playlists of matching songs, corrects your iTunes Music Library (typos, wrong genres, etc.), lets you blog about your playlists, and more.

Whether you need to build a compelling DJ set or workout-playlist for your Nike + iPod, beaTunes can help.

It lets you build better playlists.

Version 1.1 stays true to the original concept - but makes it even better. We have tuned the user interface, improved support for multi-core systems, introduced match rulesets, and completely rewritten the blogging component.

Get your free 7 day trial copy from:

And let us know, what you think!
