beaTunes 3.5.12 - on Java7
Why? Well, there really are two reasons:
- Feedback
- Speed!
Seriously, when playing around with it, it just left a really good impression. It feels a lot faster, more responsive. Neat. I figured, some of you might appreciate this :-)
So, take it for a spin and if you encounter any issues, please let me know in the support forum.
Requirement: OS X 10.7.3 or later
Download link: beaTunes-3-5-12-jre-osx.dmg (98mb)
Due to this bug in Java 7, you cannot create new folder-based libraries with this release. beaTunes simply won't let you choose a folder (see also here). To work around this issue, you can first download the regular release, create the library and then install the Java 7 release.Update 2
Unfortunately, the current Java 7 (1.7.0_21) for OS X still can't deal with Umlauts in file names. For beaTunes this means a lot ofFileNotFoundExceptions
. I was assured by the Java dev team, that the fix, which is already included in Java 8 EA versions, will be available soon.
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