beaTunes News

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Gentlemen, start your engines!

beaTunes4 logo

And with engines I of course mean beaTunes 4.0.8. You will be in for a pleasant surprise, as it will start up a lot faster than v4.0.7. To give you an idea how fast: On my test system (2013 MacBook Pro, SSD, small music library—6000 songs) beaTunes 4.0.8 consistently started twice as fast. Naturally, depending on your hardware and music library, your mileage may vary. But in any case: it's a significant improvement.

You can download the software from the download section of the website.

Most important changes in 4.0.8

  • Improved startup performance.
  • Fixed context menu issues with sorted match table.
  • Fixed displayed order vs actual order sorting issue.
  • Fixed online update URL for OS X Help.
  • Added secondary sort orders for Album Rating and other columns.


Because of new code signature requirements for OS X 10.9.5, I released 4.0.9 briefly after pushing 4.0.8 out the door. The new signature is the only change.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

beaTunes 3 update

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For those of you still using beaTunes version 3.5, I just posted a minor maintenance update. All changes are basically back-ports of issues that were fixed for beaTunes 4. Plus, the Windows version was bundled with a current JRE 7. The OS X version still relies on Apple's outdated Java implementation.

You can download the software from the old downloads section of the website.

Note, that this is most likely the last update to the beaTunes 3.5 branch.

Most important changes in 3.5.20

  • Improved support for Yosemite (i.e. OS X 10.10).
  • Fixed concurrency issue in audio analysis pipeline.
  • Fixed halve/double BPM shortcuts for German.
  • Moved to MFSampledSP 0.9.4.


Sunday, September 14, 2014


beaTunes4 logo

On 9/15/2014 and 9/16/2014 we're having a sale at BitsDuJour!


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Help: Fixed

beaTunes4 logo

beaTunes 4.0.7 is an maintenance release, tweaking a number of things, fixing other small things. The only slightly more interesting fix, is the re-organization of the English online help, i.e. the help that's available in the app itself via the Help menu. Apparently some people were unable to access it. This issue should now be fixed. If you still have trouble using help, please contact me.

As always, you can download the software from the download section of the website.

Most important changes in 4.0.7

  • Fixed NPE in MatchListDialog key rendering.
  • Fixed OS X Help.
  • Fixed clip of transition renderer.
  • Fixed playlist name editable after creation.
  • Fixed wrong song dragged from sorted matching songs.
  • Fixed move per drag in new playlist.
  • Added full text index rebuild to database repair.
  • Moved to japlscript 3.0.6.

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