beaTunes News

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New Flickr upload plugin for iPhoto

iP2F Logotagtraum industries, the maker of beaTunes, has just released the second beta version of iP2F, a new Flickr upload plugin for iPhoto.

Before you upload to Flickr, the plugin lets you resize, rename, describe and tag your images with smart, tokenfields. iP2F also lets you create photosets and add images to existing sets and pools. During all operations your EXIF image meta data (camera model, exposure, etc.) is preserved.

All that and more is packaged into an intuitive, clean, and modern user interface.

To try out the current beta version you don't need to buy the plugin. However, while iP2F is still in beta, you can already purchase a license for the final version for only $9.95. The regular price will be $14.95.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

MacUpdate Sale

beaTunes LogoWe're having a sale! On 10/30/2007, check out our promotion over at MacUpdate Promo. For one day only, beaTunes will be sold for $14.95 instead of the regular $24.95.

Tell you friends!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Apple to lower iTunes Plus prices

iTunes logoArs Technica is reporting that Apple will drop the price for DRM-free music to 99c per track. Apple had introduced DRM-free tracks under the label iTunes Plus earlier this year. The price drop seems to be a reaction to the newly opened Amazon MP3 store, which sells DRM-free music at a more competitive price.

beaTunes users benefit directly from DRM-free tracks, since they allow automatic analysis of their raw audio data.

Update: Apple officially announced today that it lowers prices to 99c.

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